

The Greatest Showman

When I heard that “Logan” was the last movie with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, I was really sad. 
But when I heard that Hugh came back to musicals, I was so happy! A lot of people don't know that Hugh Jackman is a musical actor. Of course a lot of us remember him from “Les Miserables” and I love his character there, but I want something really good. 
You know, like singing, dancing and magic! So “The Greatest Showman” was at the top of my “must-see” list.
I didn't want to be disappointed so I tried not to have big hopes for this film, but after the first 5 seconds in the cinema I was completely mesmerized. It was an absolutely magical experience in my life. The music, the outfits, the actors were all extraordinary.

When I stepped out of the cinema I had tears in my eyes and a big smile on my face. 
When I came back home I watched almost every video one more time, especially the ones from auditions and rehearsals.

In particular, I find two of the videos to be very emotional. In both of them you can see how Hugh is a sensible man. 
Watch them and compare these performances to his role as Wolverine.

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