

Halloween or Holy Wins?

Hi everyone!
A few days ago was Halloween - did you celebrate it?
I never celebrated Halloween because I'm catholic and I don't like this holiday.
I don't like ghosts and other deathly creatures. I do like a pumpkin... if it's in a soup, pies, cakes and other goodies :D

When Halloween is coming I turn down the lights, I close the door and I pretend that no one is at home.
Then all the cookies (that my mother bought for the children) are mine :D
I also turn on YouTube and I watch all the 'I told my kids I ate all their Halloween candies' films. They're sad and funny at the same time. I love this one especially.

But today I want to tell you about 'Holy wins'. Do you know what that is?
It's an event created by the Catholic Church, that is the opposite of Halloween.
Children dress up as the saints or as their patrons and they have a saints' ball in their schools and kindergartens.
They also go on a small march around the city. It's a really funny feeling when you see small Mother Teresa, John Paul II and other saints on the streets. In schools there are also children that do not come from catholic families, and they dress up as famous people, like for example Albert Einstein.

What do you think about 'Holy wins'?

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At the end I present to you my favorite meme about Halloween

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